Trademarks for Start-Ups and Small Businesses. Why is trademark registration so important? Why is trademark protection important for start-ups and small businesses?

These and many more questions are what you may be asking; so, in this article, we’ll be looking at the value that a trademark brings to the table and what you should know before you file your trademark application.

Trademarks symbolize your identity

Your trademark is a symbol of your business identity. In simple words, it is your brand. The name, symbol, phrase, logo, and designs that you made for your business will help potential customers to identify your business.

Your clients will have no difficulty in differentiating between your product or service and those of your competitors through your trademark.

As a start-up or small business owner, you may think trademarks and copyright protection are the same; however, that’s wrong.

What’s the big difference

It’s true that the concept of copyright and trademark are the same because they both offer some form of protection for one’s intellectual property.

Nevertheless, copyright protection doesn’t cover names, logos, symbols and slogans. On the contrary, it only covers original works of art like the following:

  • Fiction novels
  • Musical lyrics
  • Music compositions
  • Artworks and illustrations
  • Motion pictures and photographs
  • Architectural works

So what is a trademark?

This is a form of intellectual property protection that is given to certain names, words, symbols and devices. Trademark gives you the legal standing to use your brand name/design and to stop others from using it.

Here are a few reasons why your start-up or small business should have a registered trademark

Trademarks for Start-Ups can help to build your reputation

With the aid of your trademark, customers will be able to recognize and spot your brand in a congested marketplace.

For instance, think about the popular McDonald’s logo; whenever you see it, even if you’re are far away, you already know what brand it represents.

By having a recognizable trademark, you’re gradually building your reputation.  Do you know that a registered trademark can influence the decisions of your potential customers?

Trademark makes your brand appear legitimate in the eyes of your customers. Your customers are investing in your brand, your reputation.

Why spend time and countless hours on creating a brand, just to leave it open to others to appropriate?  You’ve spent time and money building your brand, so make sure you protect it!

A trademark registration gives you exclusive rights

Until you have registered your trademark, a competing business can make use of it or claim it as their own.

As a start-up or small business owner with an unregistered trademark, you could be faced with the following problems:

Your original name, slogan, symbol or design can be used by others and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it because you don’t have exclusive rights to the mark.

There is no evidence to prove that the mark belongs to you, so you have no say unless you had the mark registered.

Furthermore, there is a possibility that the trademark that you have chosen as yours may already be in use by someone else. This is why a trademark availability search is imperative.  The good news is that Trademark Depot® includes the search as part of their service packages.

The mark that you brainstormed, chose, and believed is unique might have been registered or is in the process of registration by another entity which means; once you follow up with the process, you’ll be infringing someone’s mark without knowing it. Infringement lawsuits are costly, and you will want to avoid them at all costs.

Makes your brand unique

Registered trademarks for start-ups and small businesses can help to protect their brand by preventing competitors from copying and stealing their products/services.

Also, it helps to separate your products and services from counterfeit products out there. By registering your trademark, you will be securing your brand from imposters.

There is more

Adds credibility to your products

As a small business owner or a start-up, if you’re a manufacturer and you have registered your trademark, any product that you register under your brand name will bear your legitimate mark of recognition.

No one will be able to add your brand name to their product without permission. Even if they do, they’ll be opening themselves up for litigation.

What this means is that; as long as you have registered your trademark, any product or service that you produce or render will be well protected from copycats, fraudsters and many other vices.

Legal security

As a start-up or small business owner, if you register your trademark, you will enjoy intellectual property laws protection.

Trademark makes way for growth

As a start-up or small business owner that wants to expand since business is booming, everything becomes easy because you already have a registered brand name that is recognized.

This makes it easy for you to expand in the same industry or if you like; you can digress into another industry. It’s all about brand value. And the art of generating more profits.

To put this in the right context, popular brands like Apple, Nike and Adidas just to name a few are raking in huge profits every day because of their popularity.

Furthermore, it’s good to know that a trademark can be bought or sold at any time you wish to. Your trademark belongs to you; however, you will need to renew it periodically.

How to file your trademark application?

As you have made up your mind to register your trademark, you must conduct comprehensive trademark research to make sure you’re not encroaching on anyone’s intellectual property.

So you’re advised to use the expertise of renowned professionals so the governing body doesn’t reject your application and this is where Trademark Depot (TMD) comes in.

TMD consist of registered trademark agents, attorneys, and paralegals who have all come together to help you secure your intellectual property.

With over 20 years of experience in trademarking, we’re here to help you before the application process, during, and after to make sure your brand name gets registered without any problems.


Getting your registered Trademarks for Start-Ups shouldn’t be a hassle, which is why Trademark Depot (TMD) is here to help you.

Contact the experienced professionals at Trademark Depot (TMD) for a free trademark search.