Different Trademark Consultants
Trademark Attorney
A highly recognizable trademark consultants is something that many of the world’s most successful companies have in common. Whether it’s a brand name, logo, slogan, or symbol, a popular and well-known trademark is a powerful tool for any business.
After all, if a potential customer only has to take a quick glance at your logo to know exactly what to expect from your company, you have an enormous competitive advantage in the marketplace. That’s why trademarks are so important. And that’s also why hiring a knowledgeable and experienced trademark consultant or trademark attorney is a key element of any successful business strategy.
What Do Trademark Agents Do?
So you’ve probably heard of a Trademark Attorney, but did you know that Registered Trademark Agents can do everything you need with respect to trademark prosecution for the fraction of the cost! Trademark agents are able to offer your company a variety of advantages and provide the kind of crucial help your company will need at virtually any stage of the trademark process.
For example, trademark agents can help their clients choose an ideal name or slogan by guiding their search through the appropriate trade marks registry, helping them to identify and avoid names or ideas that are already taken. They can also speed up the application process and fill out the appropriate form for your business, using their knowledge of the different trademark systems in Canada, the U.S., and the European Union.
If your business has already done a trademark search and applied for trademark protection, they can review your application form to avoid any unnecessary trouble down the road. There are different rules and requirements in different countries. In the U.S. they have to conform to the needs of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (the USPTO). In Canada, the equivalent organization is called the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO). Both have guidelines that must be followed in order to maintain a trademark’s validity.
A trademark agent is also an ideal partner to monitor your trademark. It’s important to know simply applying for and securing a trademark is not the end of the journey. Companies are required to “police the marketplace,” meaning that they need to be continually aware if other businesses are trying to infringe on their intellectual property. A trademark agent, like the experts you’ll find at Trademark Depot, are ideal partner in this kind of endeavor, worrying about the details so that you can focus on the big picture of building and improving your business.
The Depot Difference
Trademark Depot will take you through the application process, monitor the marketplace for you, provide you with quarterly reports, keep your filings up to date, and otherwise enforce your rights and protect your trademark over the long term. And if you are looking to buy an existing trademark, Trademark Depot can handle that too.
Give Trademark Depot a call or send us an email, we offer a no-obligation consultation, with absolutely no fees. We’ll address your questions and concerns and use our expertise and professionalism to your advantage. Make sure you get the trademark protection your company deserves. Get in touch with our trademark agents for a free consultation today!
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